Tuesday 10 May 2016

Right2Vote – Our attempt to change the world

In the last 15 years we have regularly seen India being compared with China. We all are ashamed that our growth rate has been nothing compared to China. Every-time we try to find a reason for the same the conclusion is – India is a democracy, unlike China.

Another regular refrain we here is – ‘Is desh ka kuch nahi ho sakta’. When we discuss why? The common response we get is, because of the politics in this country. We believe that good people cannot survive in Indian politics the way it is structured. In the last 2 years we saw that changing. Narendra Modi and Arvind Kejriwal raised the hopes of people and we saw a very higher level of participation by people. (How much our expectation has been met after initial euphoria is a separate debate for some other time).

We learnt that if we have to change the country for good we have to change the politics in this country. And we will have to do it by remaining an outsider as the best of people once they get into the political system they become ‘u-turn’ politicians.

Democracy looked like a perfect system in theory and we kept failing to understand why it is failing so miserably in practice. Then we tried to identify what are the key structures which is making the democracy to fail so miserably. The top three reasons we managed to identify were:

       1.   Low voter turnout (lack of active participation of people in the democracy process)
       2.  Funding of election expenses
       3. Vote bank politics

We concluded that this is what we need to change to change the country. And Right2Vote is targeted to change that forever.

      1. Low voter turnout: Of all the reasons we identified this appears to be the biggest reason for lack of efficient democracy in the country. Democracy is meant to be –Government of the people, by the people and for the people. If people keep cursing the Indian politics sitting in their drawing rooms and not actually coming out to vote then we can never have an efficient democracy. In the last national elections only 2/3rd of the eligible voters actually voted. This excludes people who didn’t even get themselves enrolled in the voter list. We identified following to be key reasons for low voter turnout.

                    I.            Laziness / time constraints / weather / long queue: We saw a large population which was very active on social media and other political debates, did not go out to vote just out of laziness with an excuse from the ones listed above.

We intend to solve this problem by bringing the booth to them. They can sit in their comfortable home / offices and vote on their mobile in seconds. No time constrains / weather issues / long queue.

                  II.            Geographical location / distance to booth: Second biggest reason we identified was that the voter was geographically far away from the booth where he is supposed to vote. This was due to several reasons including:
a.       NRIs and others who are based out of India for employment reasons
b.      Migrants who are located in district other than their home district for employment, education, marriage or other reasons.
c.       People travelling on voting day due to professional, employment, business, recreational, social or other reasons.
d.      People with disability, health issues, or simply  lack of transportation facility
e.      Soldiers and other government employees including election staff who are posted to district other than home district.

We intend to solve this problem again by bringing the booth to them no matter where they are. They can use their mobile to vote from anywhere in the world

                III.            Voter list enrollment, verification, missing names, lack of knowledge of location of booth: There is another set of people who were not able to enroll in the voters list in time. Or there name was not correctly mentioned, or were not able to get their name transferred to right district in time. Or simply, they didn’t receive their voter id card or were not aware of the voting dates, time and location.

We intend to solve this problem by giving the voters real time notifications and reminders on their mobile. Government is already working on linking all voter id cards with Aadhaar numbers and the mobile numbers. We will be sending regular notifications and reminders to voters not only for voting but also in case of any formalities need to be completed by them to be eligible for voting.

      2. Funding of election expenses: It’s a well-known fact that all candidates spend much more than the permitted amount in elections. The result is people need substantial funding to fund their election expenses and as these expenses are beyond the permitted limit it has to be done with black money.

Election expenses increases exponentially because election happens over months in India. All advertising campaign on national Medias like print, television, social media need to be carried on again and again for months. With Right2Vote the manpower required to manage the election is negligible and hence election can be held on the same day all over the country. This would substantially reduce the campaigning budget. Also, with complete voter population connected and registered for e-voting reaching out to them by electronic means and during targeted advertisement would be much cheaper than print and television and much more efficient then outdoor mediums like posters, banners, door to door visit and election rallies.

      3. Vote bank politics: Indians still vote based on the candidate’s caste and religion rather than based on national issues that affect them. Due to this reason most parties come up with promises which are to appease certain communities and get their vote. National interest takes a back seat.

With Right2Vote a huge population of migrants including international and national migrants would be added to the voter list. These are people who have moved out of their protected communities and living in a cosmopolitan environment and are less susceptible to vote bank politics. These migrants are generally averse to caste or religion based vote bank politics and would generally avoid candidates who seek vote based on caste and religion. This will force political parties to rethink their election strategies and avoid vote bank politics. Also, if elections are held in a day rather than over months, the political parties would be forced to talk on common national issues during elections rather than focusing on regional vote banks.

What we have mentioned above is only during elections. But beyond elections also, in an effective democracy public should be able to get involved and voice their opinion on key policy decisions like net neutrality, Gay rights, odd even etc. Right2Vote platform aims to make Indian democracy more participate.

We look forward to your participation to realize our common dream of effective and efficient democracy in India. Please download the app Right2Vote from Android’s play store or Apple’s app store. 

Thursday 25 December 2014

Next decade belongs to India (Acche din aane wale hai)

We are about to welcome the New Year and it promises to be a great year. Few recent developments that make me so sure that it would be a great year are:

1.       We have the best elected government India has even seen. The government has clear majority in the Lok Sabha and has the Guts to walk the talk. Although lack of majority in Rajya Sabha is an irritant but recent decision of going ahead with reforms via ordinance route shows that reforms are inevitable. Mr. Modi as a leader inspires lot of confidence not only because he has vision and experience but also because he has the guts to fight the battle even if he is alone.

2.       Crude prices have crashed by 50% in the last six months: India’s biggest challenge has been import bill due to high cost of energy. Although many people believe it’s a temporary blip, I believe it’s a sustainable trend due to following:

a.       USA, the biggest consumer of energy, which used to be net importer of energy has now become net exporter
b.      Shale gas technology has substantially increased the total pool of energy available in the world
c.       Lot of investment has happened in renewable like Wind and Solar in the last decade
d.      China has been aggressively investing in the last decade and hence  guzzling lot of energy, with marginal utility of investment falling and China looking to consolidate they would no more go ahead and acquire energy aggressively
e.      Many new geographies have started producing energy including Australia, Canada, Africa etc. This makes OPEC irrelevant and reduces their price determination power substantially. It’s in OPEC’s interest to let the price fall so that investments in new Oil & Gas projects become unviable
f.        Alternative like Natural Gas were already prices at around $4 / mmbtu in US and Canada region which was a clear indicator that oil prices had to correct

For importing country like India Lower energy prices is very good news. Not only it controls the foreign exchange outgo it makes manufacturing in India more competitive. It also reduces the subsidy bill of the government which means more room for policy reforms for the government.

3.       Property price in the country is coming down: Rising property prices in India during the last decade has been double whammy. First, it made it very difficult for a new business to take real estate at market price and still remain competitive. Secondly, the rate or return in real estate was so high that real estate investment made more sense than any other investment and hence real estate sector soaked up most of the savings in the country. Falling real estate prices would mean that savings of the country would be put to better use.

4.       Commodity prices are falling, leading to fall in inflation: Like real estate and Crude, commodity prices are also falling. Steel, Cement, Coal all are seeing downward trend. Rising commodity prices makes the rich richer and poor poorer. On the other hand falling commodity prices has the reverse effect. Companies like Adani, GVK, OIL etc who went out and bought mines across the globe are suddenly stuck with very high cost assets on the other hand inflation in the country is falling to near zero due to falling prices.

But one thing that makes me most optimistic about things going forward is the start of start-up culture in India. The role models of the country are changing. Today nobody names Reliance, Tata or Birla as Role Model Company or Dream Company. Today Role Model companies are Google, Facebook, Flipkart, Housing.com.

A countries future is determined by the aspirations of its youngsters. There was a time in 1970s and 80s when Doctor, Engineer and IAS were the ultimate aspiration of the nation. In late 90s it was software engineers and in the last decade it was investment banking.  But we can see a tectonic shift in the aspirations of the youngsters of the nation. It is visible not only at campuses in the country but also in what is making headline in newspapers today.  This generation is connected by internet with the world and is not limited to Indian role models for aspirations. This generation does not believe anything imported is good, but willing to compete with the best and biggest in the world.
The new generation is not willing to work for anybody else but wants to create their own start-up and dream of making it as big as Google, Facebook or Flipkart one day. We all can debate how realistic valuations are and whether there is bubble in ecommerce space, but aspirations of a generation is not decided on excel sheets.

Suddenly the nation has everything going for it. It has a leader with a vision and guts to walk the talk. The world environment is conspiring in its favour with falling energy & commodity prices and lot of investments waiting to invest in compelling opportunities, But above all a generation which believes in itself and with UNLIMITED GUTS. This Unlimited Guts of this generation makes me confident that not only the next year, the next decade belongs to India.